Grain Markets

Global Grains

Global grain markets are largely unchanged on the month.  There has been some short-term support, but there is a distinct lack of news to sustain any price increases.  Both the USDA and the International Grains Council (IGC) published their latest world grain and oilseed supply and demand estimate updates.  For grains, both organisations made downward revisions to global ending stocks, the USDA by 2Mt and the IGC by 6Mt.  In both cases the downward revisions come from reductions to maize stocks.  That said, the month-on-month reductions to the outlook are a drop in the ocean relative to the forecast 60 million tonnes of stocks.

With the US maize harvest 59% complete, the next important drivers for grain and oilseed markets are likely to come from the southern hemisphere.  The picture in Brazil is split, where excess rainfall in the south is delaying soyabean plantings, whilst more rainfall is needed in the north of the country.  If this continues it has the potential to support soyabean and so rapeseed prices.  Beyond this, attention will turn to South American maize planting.

UK Market Update

It’s been a challenging drilling window for many so far this year.  Whilst the autumn has been mild, the stop-start rains which prolonged harvest have continued.  Reports suggest that pest pressures are increased, particularly for oilseed rape with both flea-beetle and slugs a problem.  The relatively mild weather has seen widespread flea-beetle damage in rape crops further north than usual.  In addition, storm Babet left many fields, particularly in the Midlands, East Anglia and Scotland under water.

As with the global market, UK wheat prices are relatively unchanged month-on-month.  There are odd opportunities to benefit from short-term spikes.

The AHDB published its ‘Early’ Balance Sheet for the UK wheat and barley market.  For wheat, whilst the carry out stocks from last season are up significantly (9% year-on-year), AHDB estimates the 2023 wheat crop to be significantly smaller (14.1Mt).  This is due to a much smaller planted area than had been expected.  Consumption of wheat is also seen increasing, with both ethanol plants expected to remain operational.  There is also expected to be a switch from barley to wheat for some animal feed compounders.  With a smaller pig herd and poultry flock and reports of reasonable forage production for ruminants, there will be questions over the level of animal feed demand this season.

The UK wheat market is left in a broadly similar position as it was in the 2021/22 season. However, the lack of support in global markets and little domestic activity is keeping prices subdued.  Defra will provide another update on the size of the UK wheat crop in December.

For barley, large opening stocks and decline in animal feed demand are expected to outweigh the drop in production year-on-year.  As a result the UK is expected to have 1.5 million tonnes of barley which will either be held as stock or exported.  Small volumes are moving, but there are currently cheaper origins than the UK for barley.

Whilst feed markets may be under pressure, there continues to be strong premiums for milling wheat and malting barley.  Milling wheat premiums are in the region of £65 per tonne and malting barley premiums have reached as much as £85 per tonne.  The importance of knowing and maintaining the quality in the barn cannot be overstated this season.

Pulse prices have remained firm against other combinable crops, although there are suggestions that feed beans and peas may be displaced by cheaper protein sources into animal feed.  The trade expectation is that prices will fall.

Grain Market Update

The August USDA World Supply and Demand Estimates forecast a slight drop in production relative to the July report.  This is driven by a reduced outlook for Canadian and European wheat production.  Additionally, US maize production forecasts were reduced slightly with lower yields expected, following results from a producer survey.  The sentiment for reducing supply and demand forecasts (month-on-month) is echoed by the International Grains Council who cut both production and stock forecasts for total grains.

Although estimates have been reduced, this years global harvest is forecast to be considerably larger than last years, putting downwards pressure on prices.  As harvests continue across the Northern Hemisphere, and better yield information becomes available, wheat prices have continued to fall.  Suggestions of large crops in Russia, and the ease of shipping costs compared to the same time last year has moved spot feed wheat prices lower after the late July spike.

In the UK, the changeable weather continues to result in a challenging, stop-start harvest, although progress improved at the end of August.  In the South and East, many businesses have now finished harvest for another year.  Reports suggest that both yield and quality are down on last year, with lower proteins and hagbergs a potential challenge for the milling supply chain.  Malting barley nitrogens are low, a positive; but bushel weights are also low.

In August, UK feed wheat values average just over £174 per tonne, down £4 per tonne on the July average.  Milling wheat values have also moved lower, down nearly £5 per tonne on the July average, at £237 per tonne.  There is still a considerable premium of milling wheat over feed (£62 per tonne) which will be supported if quality issues turn out to be correct..

The discount of feed barley to feed wheat has narrowed over the past month.  Reduced availability of the crop has pushed the discount to £22 per tonne on average across August, compared with £28 per tonne in July.  In the last week of August the discount was as narrow as £17 per tonne.

The supply and demand for oilseeds has also eroded prices this month.  There is larger availability of oilseed rape in Europe this season, with expectations of significant carryover into the 2024/25 season. The oilseed rape price averaged £349 per tonne in August, down from £362 per tonne in July.

The value of pulse crops has taken the biggest hit over the last month.   The price of feed beans and feed peas fell by £37 and £41 per tonne, respectively, mont-on-month.  With harvest underway greater availability.  Early reports suggested that quality has been variable.

UK Grain Markets

The barley harvest is underway in England, although progress has been stop-start due to regular rain.  According to the Environment Agency, in the month to 18th July, England had received 111% of the long-term average rainfall for July.  As well as increased lodging in barley and OSR, the higher rainfall will be causing some concerns around grain quality.

With large ending stocks from the 2022/23 season anticipated, and the UK not currently export competitive, the price of feed barley has continued to fall.  So far in July (to 21st July) feed barley has averaged £146 per tonne, down £10 per tonne on the June average.  Initial assessments of malting crop quality have seen lower retentions (percentage of sample retained when passing over a 2.5mm sieve – minimum typically 85-90%) .  This has reportedly led some maltsters to lower intake standards for the current crop.

Feed wheat prices have increased latterly, due to the ending of the Black Sea Grain Initiative.  Ex-farm feed wheat (nearby) was quoted at £180 per tonne, on 21st July.  Milling wheat was worth £243 per tonne.

Oilseed rape values have also increased, with Paris rapeseed futures briefly exceeding €500 per tonne for the first time since March.  Ex-farm oilseed rape was quoted, on 21st July; at £385 per tonne, up from an average of £330 per tonne in June.  Price increases have been driven by the tightening of soyabean markets, and concerns over availability of Ukrainian oilseeds.

Pulse markets were also stronger in July.  Human consumption demand has remained somewhat limited, with difficulties in accessing North African markets.  However, some feed compounders have reportedly included pulses in rations, with global protein values increasing.  Feed beans and feed peas have average £259 per tonne in July.

UK Arable Outlook

As harvest draws nearer, UK wheat prices have increased, supported by concerns for US maize and prolonged dryness in Northern Europe (see preceding article).  In the week ending 23rd June 2023, ex-farm feed wheat was quoted at £175 per tonne; up almost £15 per tonne on the beginning of the month, but still just behind the May average of £176 per tonne.

AHDB Corn Returns data shows a positive carry into new crop prices, with feed wheat for September delivery averaging £196 per tonne in the week ending 22nd June.  Milling wheat continues to command a strong premium of nearly £66 per tonne, with the price quoted at £241 per tonne, ex-farm.

Barley prices have not gained to the same degree as wheat prices, up £8 per tonne on the beginning of June.  Ex-farm barley is quoted at £156 per tonne – demand for old crop feed barley has increased slightly but remains slow.  The UK is currently not competitive into export markets.  This could continue to pressure prices with a large carryout expected from harvest 2022, and barley now ripening and harvest not far away in the South and East.

Oilseed rape values had strengthened through June, reaching £346 per tonne in the middle of the month, before falling again.  Weaker than expected biofuel mandates in the US pressured soyabean oil prices, dragging the wider vegetable oils complex lower.  Subsequently, ex-farm oilseed rape was quoted at £326 per tonne on 23rd June.

Pulse prices picked up during the month with some renewed demand, but selling reportedly remained limited.  Both feed beans and feed peas were quoted at £241 per tonne, on 23rd June.

UK Grain Markets

UK cereal and oilseed pricing continues to face pressure from global market conditions.  Ex-farm feed wheat (nearby) was worth £179 per tonne in May.  This is down £9 per tonne on the April average price.  The price of feed wheat has now fallen more than £40 per tonne since January.  Milling wheat continues to hold a strong premium over feed wheat, extending to £70 per tonne on average in May.  Feed barley prices averaged £165 per tonne in May, with the discount to wheat narrowing.

AHDB published its latest UK supply and demand estimates for the 2022/23 season. The estimates highlight the increased ending stocks for both wheat and barley. Large cereal crops from harvest 2022, have been met with weak animal feed demand. The ongoing challenges for the pig and poultry sector resulted in a further cut to wheat demand of 130Kt.

The challenges for animal feed demand will carry into the new season. With large carry-in stocks and crops generally looking healthy, domestic prices will need to remain export competitive.

The value of Oilseed rape has fallen to the lowest point since October 2020, at £345 per tonne ex-farm in May.  Prices have continued to fall throughout the month, reaching £330 per tonne, delivered into Erith, on 24th May.  Oilseed rape prices are being undermined by large EU carry-in stocks for the new season, with the EU expected to harvest its largest OSR crop since 2014 (20 million tonnes).  Wider oilseed market fundamentals are also pressuring OSR prices, with the USDA forecasting a 40 million tonne increase in soyabean production in 2023/24.

Bean and Pea prices have bucked the trend of other combinable crop markets, with both commodities gaining £7 per tonne, month-on-month.  Feed beans were quoted at £228 per tonne and peas £234 per tonne.

Grain Market Update

In February’s Bulletin we highlighted that the fast pace of imports of Ukrainian crops into the EU was pressuring prices.  This came to a head in April with Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovakia announcing bans on the import of Ukrainian agricultural goods.  The EU has proposed measures to guarantee that crops moving into those nations are re-exported and do not remain in those five domestic markets.  In addition, the EU has proposed the provision of €100m to compensate farmers in those nations.  At present there is no agreement on whether this deal will be accepted.  The news of the bans initially supported prices, but they have subsequently fallen.

Further uncertainty for grain markets has been caused by the 60-day terms the Black Sea grain corridor now operates under.  Comments suggesting the G7 would ban exports to Russia, were reacted to by former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev with suggestions of the Corridor agreement being scrapped in retaliation.  This has served to support grain prices in the short-term.  Overall, the situation in the Black Sea remains a dominant driver for grain and oilseed markets.

Looking ahead to the global supply and demand picture for next season (2023/24), the global grain stocks picture was eased slightly in the latest International Grains Council supply and demand figures, owing to greater maize production, particularly in the US.  That said the overall picture remains tighter year-on-year.  With weather concerns in part of the US, particularly for wheat, any adverse weather would support prices.

UK grain prices moved higher following the uncertainty around Black Sea grain movement.  UK feed wheat (ex-farm, nearby) was quoted at £190 per tonne in the week ending 21st April.  This is up around £8 per tonne on the month.  The milling premium also extended slightly, quoted at £61 per tonne.  Feed barley has struggled to find demand in 2023 but has been able to compete into export markets recently.  The feed barley price was quoted at £170 per tonne, on 21st April.

Oilseed rape prices have fallen since the start of the year.  However, concerns around dry weather in Argentina has continued to cut soyabean production forecasts supporting the wider oilseed complex.  Oilseed rape prices have risen by nearly £30 per tonne, month-on-month, to £380 per tonne.  That said, expectations remain for bigger global rapeseed crops in 2023/24.  Also, a bumper Brazilian soyabean harvest is expected which adds pressure vegetable oil markets.  Oilseed rape prices may be supported in the longer term with the EU Parliament backing a ban on imports linked to deforestation, including palm oil and soya. Companies selling into the EU will now have to provide verifiable information that goods were not grown on land which has been deforested after 2020.

Pulse prices have been stable month-on-month, with pea and bean prices unchanged at £226 and £220 per tonne, respectively.

The last month has been a busy one for the majority of arable farmers, the wet conditions of March have led to a backlog of planting and spraying.  While April conditions have not been ideal they have at least allowed field work to continue.

UK Grain Market

Cereal prices in the UK have followed the direction of EU and US markets over the past month.  Ex-farm UK feed wheat was quoted at £182 per tonne, on 22nd March 2023; this is a fall of £36 per tonne from the beginning of March.  All cereal prices will have recovered some of this lost ground to the end of the week, but remain pressured.  The potential for further downside movement will depend on domestic and global crop conditions.  That said, if Russian rumours of a minimum price for exporting materialise there may be a new floor in the old crop market.

The milling wheat premium remains strong, in spite of cheaper fertiliser, at £56 per tonne over feed wheat.  Whilst fertiliser prices have fallen owing to large domestic and EU stocks, many arable businesses will have bought cover for this season months ago, at much higher pricing.  As such, the sharp decline in crop pricing will have a significant negative impact on potential returns for harvest 2023 (as shown by the budget for Loam Farm in the following article).

Feed barley prices continue to decline owing to a lack of demand both domestically and for export.  The value of ex-farm feed barley had fallen by £32 per tonne, from the beginning of March to 22nd March, in an attempt to remain export competitive.

Oilseed rape has seen by far the largest declines in price, since the beginning of the year, the value of ex-farm oilseed rape has dropped by £145 per tonne, to £350 per tonne.

Pulse prices have declined to a lesser extent than cereals and oilseed rape.  Feed beans and peas were quoted at £220 and £226 per tonne, down £32 and £16 per tonne on the month.

UK Grain Market Update

UK feed wheat prices followed European grain markets in February.  Values increased through the first three weeks of the month, before falling on weak EU import demand.  UK ex-farm feed wheat was quoted at £224 per tonne, on 24th February 2023.  This is up almost £11 per tonne on the end of January, but down £9 per tonne on the week ending 17th February.  Milling wheat continues to attract a strong premium of £57 per tonne.

The discount of barley has extended further.  Feed barley was quoted at £203 per tonne on 24th February, an increase of just £2 per tonne on the month.  Demand for barley for both feed and export remains poor.  Data from AHDB shows that animal feed production in July to December 2022 was down more than 5%.  Larger declines were seen for pig and poultry feed, down 12% and 9% respectively over the same period.  Usage of barley was down nearly 23%.

The value of oilseed rape was supported by rises in the value of wider global oilseeds throughout much of February.  Whilst prices fell towards the end of the month, ex-farm oilseed rape was quoted at £463 per tonne on Friday 24th Feb.  Prices are up on values at the end of January, but £30 per tonne down on the beginning of 2023.

The price of feed beans has continued to fall in February, at £243 per tonne, with poor demand.  One merchant commented on the difficulty in establishing new crop values also, given lack of trading activity and demand.  Pea prices have remained stable month-on-month, at £249 per tonne.

While output prices have fallen towards the end of February, so too have costs.  The price of ammonium nitrate for March delivery was quoted at £460 per tonne; a significant fall from the £700 per tonne quoted in January.  The impact of this on arable businesses will clearly vary greatly for the 2023 harvest, depending on the level of cover.  However, it is a promising sign for harvest 2024.

Rainfall in February was below average in many parts of the UK.  Whilst there is evidently ample time between now and harvest, there are have been some concerns expressed about these drier conditions, particularly given the droughts of last summer.



Grain Market Update

Grain and oilseed markets have continued their decline through January.  Any uncertainty or risk premium associated with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, almost a year ago, is priced in.

Combinable crop pricing is now very much centred on the balance of supply and demand at a global level.  Whilst grain markets are tighter year-on-year, expectations of large maize production in Brazil are pushing prices lower.  There may be some support going forwards, although this will depend on the extent to which dry weather impacts Argentinian maize and soyabean production.

Crops in the Northern Hemisphere are developing well.  A generally mild winter across Europe and the Black Sea has aided crop development.  That said, close attention will be paid to Ukrainian output, particularly of maize.  North America had been an area of concern with drought in key production regions but recent rainfall has contributed to the decline in prices.

UK markets have, unsurprisingly, followed the trends of global combinable crop markets.  Ex-farm UK feed wheat was quoted at £213  per tonne on 27th January 2023, down more than £15 per tonne on December levels.  Milling wheat prices have shown more resistance to the decline in global grain prices.  Ex-farm milling wheat premiums are approaching £57 per tonne.  With expensive nitrogen, and a lack of recommended Group 1 milling wheat varieties, there is a challenge for 2023 milling wheat supply.

Feed barley prices have also declined by less than feed wheat, down more than £8 per tonne from December levels, at £201 per tonne on 20th January 2023.  For domestic grains there will be demand concerns; poultry placings in November and December were noticeably down on year-earlier levels.  Additionally, the breeding pig herd is reduced following the last two years of challenging margins.

In the UK, ex-farm oilseed rape was quoted at £434 per tonne in January, around £134 per tonne behind January 2022 levels.  The decline has been driven by larger oilseed crops globally and reduced crude oil prices.  Soyabean production is forecast to be up almost 30 million tonnes year-on-year; largely driven by South America.  Argentinian dry weather may offer some support.  Additionally, large biodiesel mandates in Brazil and Asia could offer long term support, if unmatched by oilseed production increase.

Other protein prices have been stable.  Feed bean prices have fallen by £7 per tonne month-on-month, to £248 per tonne.  Feed pea values increased by £3 per tonne, to £248.

UK Grain Production & Markets

Defra have now published official figures for UK grain and oilseed rape production.  Previous figures had only covered England.  The latest figures show UK wheat production, in 2022, at 15.54 million tonnes.  This is 14% above the 2017-2021 average (13.65 million tonnes).  The figures include the second highest wheat production figure for Scotland on record, going back to 1999. The Scottish production figure, 1.00 million tonnes is driven by a record yield of 9.3 tonnes per hectare.

Total barley production is also up despite a fall in overall acreage.  This is driven by an increase in the proportion of winter barley grown versus spring, as well as a rise in average yields.  Total barley production is seen at 7.385 million tonnes.  Oat production is down year-on-year, but remains above 1 million tonnes for the fourth consecutive season.  Oilseed rape saw a resurgence in rotations in 2022, and the resultant production is seen at 1.36 million tonnes.  Production of OSR remains below the 5-year average however.

UK grain markets have followed the free-fall of global prices into December.  Ex-farm feed wheat (spot) was quoted on 16th December at £229 per tonne.  This is down more than £15 per tonne from the end of November.  The price of feed wheat is now only £10 per tonne higher than the same point last year.

Feed barley prices have followed a similar path, and ex-farm barley is now just over £1 per tonne higher than 17th December 2022.  The UK grain market is fundamentally better supplied than it was last season.  There is also the wider factor that global markets seem ‘comfortable’ with the current drivers of supply and demand, despite grain markets being tighter year-on-year.  The milling wheat market continues to hold a premium in excess of £50 per tonne over the feed market, an ongoing reflection of the lower protein crop harvested this year.

Oilseed rape prices also continue to fall, driven by expectations of large oilseed crop globally.  This is especially true in Brazil where soyabean production is forecast to reach a record 152 million tonnes; up from 127 million tonnes last season.  Ex-farm oilseed rape was quoted on 16th December at £463 per tonne.

Pulse markets continue to suffer from a lack of demand and have tracked other commodities lower.  Feed bean and peas are quoted at £255 and £245 per tonne, respectively.