The BPS application window and the Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Environmental Stewardship (ES) annual revenue claim submission period is now open. The deadline for submission for all three schemes, without incurring a penalty is 17th May this year, as 15th May falls on a Saturday. This includes Young and New Farmer applications and is also the deadline date for transferring entitlements in England to be used for the 2021 claim. Applications or revenue claims made between 17th May and 11th June will be accepted but will receive a penalty for each working day late. Any submitted after 11th June will not be processed.
Certain changes can be made to a BPS application which is submitted by 17th May, without penalty, until 11th June (in previous years the date was 31st May). This means, in some circumstances, if the deadline is close, it might be worth submitting the claim and making the amendments afterwards. For CS revenue claims made by 17th May, certain amendments can be made up until 31st May without penalty. A few changes have been made to the BPS scheme rules this year,
- A reminder that all three of the Greening requirements – EFAs, Crop Diversification and Permanent Pasture retention, have been removed. But farmers must still meet the cross-compliance rules including on hedges and buffer strips etc. With regards to Permanent Pasture, even though the Greening rules have been abolished, it must not be ploughed if it is a Natura 2000 site, or has not been cultivated for 15 years or is semi-natural grassland; an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening remains a requirement in such cases.
- Cross Border applications have been abolished. Only land located in England should be applied for on the BP5 form or through Rural Payments online. Land located in other parts of the UK must claimed via the appropriate devolved administration.
- The entitlement usage rule has also been abolished. From 2021 onwards, farmers do not have to use all their entitlements in one claim, at least once in every two years to avoid using them. Unused entitlements do not have to be leased or sold.
- There will be no option to be paid in Euros. Entitlement values will be shown in Sterling and payments will be calculated in Sterling rather than using an exchange rate.
There have been a few simplifications to the Rural Payments online site, mainly due to the removal of the Greening requirements. This means the EFA section of the application ‘form’ has been removed, the tab to ‘reduce the EFA area’ has also gone and the ‘Declarations’ are a lot simpler; no Organic Exemption required, payment in Euros removed and Cross Border farms. The Hedge View remains, partly because it was so costly to design, but also as it may be useful for agri-environment scheme applications. But reference to the hedge being available for EFAs has been removed.
All guidance and forms required to make a BPS application can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/bps-2021
Guidance on making a CS revenue claim can be found at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/countryside-stewardship-2021-how-to-submit-a-revenue-claim-online
The Single Application Form (SAF) claim window is now open. It closes on 17th May. Applications can still be submitted until 11th June but these will receive late penalties. Any claims received after 11th June will not be accepted. The deadline date for transferring entitlements in Wales, to be used for the 2021 claim, is the 15th May. The submission date for BPS Supporting Documents (except for growing Hemp) has been extended until 31st December 2021. But for other schemes (Glastir), SAF deadlines continue to apply. Other changes in Wales include;
- Greening has been removed. Although Environmentally Sensitive Permanent Grass (ESPG) is now protected as part of Cross Compliance.
- The Negative List has been abolished. This was the Active Farmer Test for businesses operating other activities such as airports, water works, railways etc. which rendered the claimant ineligible.
The Single Application Form (SAF) window opened on 15th March and closes on 17th May 2021. The entitlement transfer window closes on 2nd April. In Scotland, a reminder that the Crop Diversification (CD) requirements under Greening have been abolished from 2021. Claimants are advised to ignore any reference to the CD requirements on the claim form. (Rural Payments Scotland is considering removing the references for next year’s claim.) But Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs) are still required in Scotland.