The Government’s post-Brexit plans for migration policy have become a little clearer, but still present significant problems for the agri-food sector regarding future labour availability.
On 28th January, the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), which advises the UK Government on labour policy, published its report on a future points-based migration system as well as recommendations on salary thresholds for migrant workers coming to the UK with a job offer. This study was commissioned by the Government in September 2019. The UK will be introducing a skills-based migration system for both European Economic Area (EEA) and non-EEA workers when the current Brexit Transition Period ends (i.e. 2021 onwards).
The MAC recommends lowering the salary threshold for experienced skilled workers (currently categorised as ‘Tier 2 General’) to £25,600. This would remain an employer-sponsored route (i.e. migrants would have to have a job offer). The category would be expanded to include ‘medium’ skilled occupations. The new threshold is significantly lower than its heavily-criticised previous recommendation of £30,000 which would have precluded large swathes of jobs in the agri-food sector. Whilst this is an improvement, many agri-food businesses would still struggle to recruit skilled operatives where annual salaries are often in the £20,000 to £22,000 range. Furthermore, there are questions as to whether some occupations (e.g. butcher) would be considered as a ‘skilled’ category according to UK Government definitions.
Notably, the MAC also recommends setting a simplified formula for the salary thresholds of new entrants (i.e. those aged under 26 on application, or overseas students studying in the UK) to £17,920; a 30% reduction on the experienced rate. This should help agri-food companies in recruiting some additional personnel, but would not be a long-term solution for manual food processing positions.
The report is lukewarm on adopting a Points-Based System (PBS), claiming that when it was adopted in the UK in the past for high skilled workers, it did not work well. Frequently, immigrants would end up working in significantly lower-skilled positions than what was envisaged upon entry. If a PBS were to be adopted in the future, the MAC would recommend a cap on the numbers participating. It also advises that the Government should consider characteristics such as age, qualifications (which need to be rigorously assessed), having studied in the UK, language skills and the UK’s priority skills areas.
It also mentioned that the current UK system is rigid and that there should be flexible paths to long-term settlement. This could include a PBS and occupations on the Shortage Occupation List in the past six years should continue to be exempt from thresholds. As we have mentioned previously, agri-food businesses need to get key job functions onto the Shortage Occupation Lists, particularly given recent difficulties in recruiting employees. Whilst the recent announcement by the Conservatives of an expansion of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers’ scheme pilot from 2,500 to 10,000 would be of some help, these numbers still fall well short of what is needed in the UK agri-food sector.
The full MAC report is accessible via: