The second ‘farm-to-fork’ summit took place in Downing Street on the 14th May. This saw a number of policy annoucements made to coincide with the meeting.
A summary of the main initiatives is set out below. More details on a number of these are provided in seperate articles;
- a long-term guarantee on numbers under the Seasonal Workers Scheme (see additional article)
- a ‘Blueprint for Growing the UK Fruit and Vegetable Sector‘ (see additional article in Arable section). This includes a replacement for the old EU ‘Producer Organisation’ Fruit and Vegetable Aid Scheme, with increased funding
- the publication of the first Food Security Index for the UK (see additional article)
- a fund of £3m to support new and mobile small abattoirs – building on the previous Small Abattoir Fund
- assistance to help agriculture cope with the recent wet weather. This includes relaxing the rules for agri-environment schemes (see separate article). There is also new funding of £75 for Internal Drainage Boards to help them repair damage to drainage infrastructure from the winter storms and invest in new measures to boost resilience
- the £15m fund for Food Waste, announced by the Prime Minister at the NFU Conference in January, will open on the 31st May (no details on how this will operate are available yet)
- An Infrastructure Grant for Housing Laying Hens with a budget of £20m is to be made under the Farming Improvement Fund (see seperate article in Livestock section)
- the Government will consult on introducing Permitted Development Rights under the Planning Regime for a small-scale single on-farm wind turbine
- a new Endemic Disease Scheme, worth £72m, will tackle BVD in cattle, PRRS in pigs and a number of different conditions in sheep
- there will be £15m to fund innovative research into solutions for nutrient management (see seperate article)
- work on fairness in the food supply chain will continue. Following regulation of the dairy supply chain (, similar rules will be brought forward for the egg and fresh produce sectors. The pig sector is likely to follow in time. A mandatory system for sheep carcass classification wil also be introduced
- a Commissioner for the Tenant Farming Sector (CTFS) will be appointed in the autumn. This was one of the recemmendations of the Rock Review into farm tenancies in England. The Commissioner will ensure the Tenancy Code of Practice ( is being adhered to
More details on the announcements can be found at –